Britney Spears Shares She Won’t Be Performing Under Her Father’s Conservatorship: “All I Have Is Hope”

Britney Spears Performing
Instagram / Britney Spears

Britney Spears has taken it to social media to talk about her plans of performing. She also slammed her father, Jamie Spears, and sister, and shared she won’t be performing again until her father is no longer her conservator.

Britney Spears Performing
Instagram / Britney Spears

For 13 years, Britney Spears has been silenced. But her conservatorship might be near the end, and we’re here for it.

Britney is now using her Instagram for more than just dancing, but she doesn’t like it when people shame her for it.

Britney Spears talked about performing in her latest post, and she says her dancing in her living room is the best we’ll get for a while. She wrote: : “For those of you who choose to criticize my dancing videos … look I’m not gonna be performing on any stages anytime soon with my dad handling what I wear, say, do, or think 🚫🙅🏼‍♀️ 🚫!!!! I’ve done that for the past 13 years … I’d much rather share videos YES from my living room instead of onstage in Vegas.”

She continued: “Some people were so far gone they couldn’t even shake my hand and I ended up getting a contact high from weed all the time … which I didn’t mind but it would have been nice to be able to go to the mother fucking spa 💆🏼‍♀️🤭🧖🏼‍♀️ !!!!”

While a lot of people and fans criticized her “panda” eyes due to her intense eyeliner game, she doesn’t plan on stopping any time soon: “And no I’m not gonna put on heavy makeup and try try try on stage again and not be able to do the real deal with remixes of my songs for years and begging to put my new music in my show for MY fans … so I quit !!!!”

Britney also called out Jamie Lynn Spears, who sang her songs at an Award show. “I don’t like that my sister showed up at an awards show and performed MY SONGS to remixes !!!!! My so-called support system hurt me deeply !!!! This conservatorship killed my dreams … so all I have is hope and hope is the only thing in this world that is very hard to kill … yet people still try !!!”

Again, Britney made a comment regarding the documentaries about her life: “I didn’t like the way the documentaries bring up humiliating moments from the past… I’m way past all that and have been for a long time !!!! And for women who say it’s weird the way I still have hope for fairy tales … go fuck yourself 🖕🏼 !!!!!”

So she doesn’t plan on stopping the videos of her dancing like no one’s watching: “As I said … hope is all I have right now … you’re lucky I post anything at all … if you don’t like what you see, unfollow me !!! People try to kill hope because hope is one of the most vulnerable and fragile things there is !!!! I’m gonna go read a mother fucking fairy tale now !!!! Psss if you don’t want to see my precious ass dancing in my living room or it’s not up to your standards … go read a fucking book 📕 !!!!!”


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