Anna Faris‘ fans have her back, and Twitter dragged Chris Pratt after his latest post, a tribute to his current wife, Katherine Schwarzenegger.

Imagine being this liked, and having your fans back you up in some of the darkest times.
Chris Pratt just posted a tribute to his current wife, Katherine Schwarzenegger, and Anna Faris’ fans weren’t having it.
You remember how Pratt and Faris were “couple goals” for years, as she stood by him as he grew to fame, lost weight, and starred on some major franchises. They also share son Jack.
Eventually, as some couples do, they broke up, and Chris Pratt met Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s daughter, Katherine. The two fell irrevocably in love, got married, and welcomed a baby daughter.
Now Chris Pratt wrote a heartfelt tribute to his wife, saying: “Guys. For real. Look how she’s looking at me! I mean. Find you somebody that looks at you like that!! You know!? We met in church. She’s given me an amazing life, a gorgeous healthy daughter, she chews so loudly that sometimes i put in my ear buds to drown it out, but that’s love! She helps me with everything. In return, periodically, I open a jar of pickles. That’s the trade. Her heart is pure and it belongs to me. My greatest treasure right next to my Ken Griffey Jr Upper Deck Rookie card. Which if you know, you know is saying a lot. It’s her birthday in about 6 weeks. So if I don’t get her anything, I’ll tell her to look back on this post. Love you honey.”
But people went on Twitter to drag the Guardians of the Galaxy actor, especially for the “gorgeous, healthy daughter” line. Everyone remembers that Jack suffered several health issues after complications at birth.
nothing better than opening your twitter feed and you see Chris Pratt get slated by the whole internet with his inconsiderate comment but his ex wife Anna Faris is getting all the love and support by everyone. Jst shows what a horrible person he is.
— Ash (@baobunnn) November 5, 2021
Can we move past the narrative that all women are obsessed with their EX’s … Pretty sure Anna Faris has better things to do than worry about Chris Pratt
— Chantelle Melody Anne (@prinxstape) November 5, 2021
i think its because hes anti gay and already has a child with disabilities w anna faris. so him being like “she gave me a beautiful and healthy child” feels weird considering he already has one who might derogatorily be considered “not healthy”
— mike (@maycullmaycare) November 5, 2021
That “healthy daughter” line actually made me want to barf bc I remember watching interviews from Anna Faris with her talking about their sons’ health issues but how smart and sweet he is like what the fuck
— egg (@bigfatmeg) November 4, 2021
May we all be like Anna Faris: so beloved that the entirety of the internet drags our ex for us.
— Danielle Campoamor (@DCampoamor) November 4, 2021
Others pointed out, but the fact that Anna Faris had a difficult pregnancy and gave birth to a child who had physical limitations… only to have Pratt praise his new wife for giving him a healthy child… pretty despicable.
— Kenny Thomas Stan, W. Griffith (@WillofThaPeople) November 5, 2021
Very much agreed. I posted a lighthearted distraction post that obviously Anna Faris was the gold in their relationship. And he continues to prove it. Humanity being lost on someone who follows Jesus is so ironic.
— Daskius (@Daskius) November 5, 2021
Imagine being Anna Faris and watching your ex husband turn into a complete idiot in front of the whole world
— Savannah Williams (@savannah_elaine) November 5, 2021
idk i feel like anna faris was probably just fine minding her business until y’all brought her into this mess??? lol do y’all think???
— honey (@mxhoneytrap) November 5, 2021
Then he has the audacity to come and wonder why he’s always voted the Worst Chris.