Britney Spears’ Dogs Taken Away Amid Battery Allegations

Britney Spears dogs

Britney Spears is in the midst of her fight against her conservatory, and weird things are going on. News broke out that someone took Britney Spears’ dogs away, and she wants answers.

Britney Spears dogs

If you weren’t up to date with Britney Spears’ conservatorship case, you wouldn’t find the headlines too worrisome. But they are.

Britney has first spoke up against her conservatorship early this summer, on June 23. Then, she had another hearing in mid-July, where she expressed her wish to end the conservatorship. She also wants her father to step down from his role.

So what’s new?

About a week ago, Jamie Spears made headlines as he revealed he will step down from the conservatorship… “when the time is right.” So it’s not something he intends to do right now.

As everyone was celebrating the fact that she might be free sooner rather than later, weird things started happening.

Britney is currently under investigation after an alleged incident with a female staffer. The woman claims Britney “struck her.” Here’s what the officer reported to Page Six: “The staff member reported to us that Ms. Spears struck her. Ultimately, that investigation will be forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office for review, and they will decide whether charges will be filed.”

The incident seems to connected with the fact that Britney Spears’ dogs were taken away before the battery allegations.

It looks like the dogs’ sitter found them sick, and thought the “Toxic” singer is neglecting her dogs. But an insider shared she would never do that, since Britney loves her dogs. The sitter reportedly took the dogs to the vet, and never returned with them.

Another insider told Page Six: “Britney is demanding answers. She’s been through this before. Her conservators used to threaten to take her children away from her, and now her dogs are nowhere to be found. It’s an all too familiar — and heartbreaking — feeling for her.”

The house staffer who accused her of battery reportedly showed her a photo of one of her dogs looking sick. Britney guessed the staffer already sent the photo to Jamie Spears, and reportedly took the staffer’s phone.

Britney even reportedly called the police to report a theft regarding her dogs. And this isn’t the first time they’re taken away from her.

Britney Spears dogs
Instagram / Britney Spears


Cat lover. Swiftie.
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