Jameela Jamil Is Unapologetic In Her Support for Abortion: “This Is Not About Children. This Is About Control.”

Jameela Jamil Abortion
Instagram / Jameela Jamil

Actress Jameela Jamil wrote a very personal message in her support of abortion. The actress shared the ban would only end safe abortion, and this is just another way for the patriarchy to take control of women’s bodies. Which… Amen.

If you haven’t been following The Good Place‘s Jameela Jamil, she stands for the rightest things. A dedicated advocate for women’s bodies and rights, Jameela is using her platform to make the smallest changes that matter.

With her iWeigh podcast, Jamil is all about body positivity, and encourages people to be who they are, despite their size or number on the scale.

But Jameela Jamil stands for many more important issues we’re facing, like LBGTQ+ rights, or abortion.

With a very personal note shared on Instagram, Jameela Jamil to speak about the Texas law against abortion, and revealed her own experience.

With a picture saying: “I had an abortion,” Jamil noted how important it was to her to have the right to healthcare, and make the choice in a safe environment, where no one judged her.

She wrote: “I used two types of contraception, they both failed, and I aborted at 8 weeks. I was mentally/physically/emotionally and financially unstable and most importantly DID NOT WANT A CHILD. That should be enough. My life matters more than an unborn human.”

Jameela Jamil also made a point about having the right to healthcare: “I had not a minute of regret. I only felt deep relief and gratitude that I lived in a country that made abortion accessible and safe. Nobody made me feel bad for being there. They just gave me HEALTHCARE. Because that is what abortion is. Banning it won’t stop abortion. It will ONLY stop SAFE abortion. Especially for the disadvantaged.”

Jamil continued: “Most ppl with uteruses can have a baby. But this oppression started because it was seen until recently, as a woman’s issue. Patriarchy designed this attack on women’s freedom to keep us in our place, to hold us back, to derail our lives and instill terror in us. It’s an attempt to stop us from having sex outside of marriage. It’s to punish us even if we are sexually assaulted, even if we are children, even if it was by a family member. It’s to punish us just for existing as women. We serve to do nothing other than make little men. That is seen as our sole purpose.

And also discussed a woman’s right to her own body: “Abortion is the freedom to decide on your own future. People are not ALLOWED to say that you and an unborn child deserve the same rights IF that unborn child’s life depends entirely on every single part of your body/life. If that child’s existence can endanger your health/life. If that child can derail your existence and destroy your dreams/freedom. That’s not equal. That argument makes no sense to me.

The fact that this is happening in a country with no free healthcare or support for parents… is even more laughable. Do you know it costs $50k to have a baby delivered if you can’t afford health insurance? Never mind every other catastrophic cost of raising a child while you have no income support yourself?

I am disgusted by Texas. This is not about children. We can’t even feed the children who are here. This is about control. This is about abuse. This is about a hatred of women’s freedom and progress. This is the beginning of all other progressive rights being rolled back.

We need to act now.”

With her latest post, Jameela Jamil showed she’s as brave as always. She’s unapologetic when it comes to standing up to human rights, and is doing all her best to educate people and make them listen.

Sure, some won’t like her. Some will hate her. But if her message reaches enough people to make a change, why wouldn’t we support that?


Cat lover. Swiftie.
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