Lena Dunham just got married, but people won’t allow her to be on her cloud-nine, and she replied to the body-shaming on her wedding photos.

At times, I wonder why we expect celebrities to share so much of themselves only to get a lot of hate back. Let’s take Jameela Jamil, who recently opened up about her experience with abortion in her fight against god-awful laws. Did she receive a lot of hate? Yes. Will she be just as honest in the future? Hopefully yes.
Lena Dunham also experienced some body-shaming after she shared some wedding photos. We covered her wedding, sharing how Taylor Swift was a part of it, and gave a lovely toast for the newlyweds.
While Lena Dunham and her husband, Luis Felber, enjoyed the event with their friends and family, when they shared it with the world, bad things happened.
Of course, Lena received a lot of love and congratulations from her fans. But what else? Oh, body-shaming.
Having gained some weight recently, she was the butt of a lot of “jokes” about it, but Lena would not stand for him, and slammed everyone who commented on her body.
She wrote, in a lengthy message on Instagram, that she had a lovely week, having gotten married, and enjoying the happy event with her friends and family.
Dunham shared: “I got a little break from work, which reminded me how much I love what I do and how excited I am to share what I’ve been making with you in 2022. I say this because over the years, I’ve shared many challenges with you and these moments of joy had me thinking that we should admit when we’re happy too- it’s not a crime. But all of this safety made me forget, for a moment, why I’ve created such intense boundaries with the internet over the past few years.”
She continued: “It’s a little too easy to feel the glow of support and forget about the cesspool lurking behind it- so I took a peek, and saw some gnarly shit, most not worth responding to or even sharing with you. But one narrative I take issue with, largely because it’s a story I don’t want other women, other people, to get lodged in their heads is that I should somehow be ashamed because my body has changed since I was last on television.”
Lena Dunham heard everyone’s jokes, and she’s not impressed: “Firstly “did Lena eat the cast of Girls” just isn’t a very good joke- I could punch that up for the Tweeter.”
“Secondly, it’s ironic to have my body compared to a body that was also the subject of public scorn- an echo chamber of body shaming.”
But lastly, when will we learn to stop equating thinness with health/happiness? Of course weight loss can be the result of positive change in habits, but guess what? So can weight gain.”
She expanded: “The pics I’m being compared to are from when I was in active addiction with undiagnosed illness. In the 4 years since I’ve gotten sober and begun my life as someone who aspires toward health and not just achievement. These changes have allowed me to be the kind of sister/friend/daughter that I want to be and yes- meet my husband (who, by the way, doesn’t recognize me in those old photos because he sees how dimmed my light was.)”
Concluding her message, Dunham shared: “I say this for any other person whose appearance has been changed with time, illness or circumstance-it’s okay to live in your present body without treating it as transitional. I am, and I’m really enjoying it. Love you all.”