Model Jourdan Dunn Claims She’s Paid Less Due to Her Skin Tone

Walterlan Mendanha / CC BY-SA 2.0

Model Jourdan Dunn just made a controversial statement. Jourdan claims she’s paid less than other models like Cara Delevingne and Karlie Kloss because of her “skin tone.”

In 2020, model Jourdan Dunn went on a journey to self discovery. Because there were less opportunities for runways, she could take a moment to breathe. In February 2020 she announced her engagement to British rapper Dion Hamilton. After celebrating her 30th birthday, the model thought it was time for a change. So she decided that she would quit fashion to pursue other passions. Like acting.

She told Harper’s Bazaar: “A shift is happening in my life at the moment. Before lockdown, I decided I wanted to take the time to focus on acting. When lockdown happened, it felt like the perfect time to dedicate to it. I started therapy… I feel like I’m building the foundations for the next stage in my life. Fashion will always be there, but I want to dive into something new. I have visions of me on stage. Also, I need to be in a Marvel film so my son can think I’m the coolest mum ever.”

But is her decision to leave fashion purely based on her passions?

Money seem to be a deciding factor as well. Jourdan claims she is not paid according to her skills, but in spite of her skin tone. Speaking on the TTYA Talks podcast she said: “I remember the girls I came up with, like my best friends in the industry, Cara and Karlie, I know their rate was different to my rate, even though we were doing the same jobs.”

Jourdan continued: “When I think about that it’s so f****d up, like what is the difference? But clearly the difference is the skin tone. But now I know my worth and I’m going to ask for it. Even for me now it’s just owning your voice and knowing your worth.”

She also plans to use her platform to change the path for younger, Black models. Jourdan continued: Now when I have the creative direction of being able to choose who I want on shoots, I always make sure I bring on black young creatives. If you have an audience, it’s important to speak out if you have something to say, but be mindful about the way in which it comes across.”

Jourdan was the first black British model to make the Forbes models rich list in 2014. 


Cat lover. Swiftie.
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