Prince William and Prince Harry Allegedly Argued Over Meghan Markle Bullying

Prince William and Prince Harry argued over bullying claims

Prince William and Prince Harry allegedly argued over Meghan Markle‘s bullying claims, which is what drove the two once-close brothers apart.

Prior to his relationship with Meghan Markle, Prince Harry and Prince William seemed inseparable. The two were often joking together at official events. Kate Middleton also seemed to be a part of their small group.

Fans and media alike felt a sort of nostalgy after Prince Phillip‘s funeral, when the trio walked back from the funeral together.

But somewhere after he married Markle, Prince William and Prince Harry had a fall out. They reportedly argued over Meghan’s bullying claims.

Meghan has spoken against her difficult time with the Royal Family a lot of times. She also accused the family of racism. Prince Harry has always been on her side, though. Even when that meant arguing with his family.

Historian Robert Lacey, who consults on the Netflix show The Crown, has alleged that Prince Harry and Prince William argued over Meghan’s claims.

Lacey updated Battle of Brothers: The Inside Story of a Family in Tumult with added chapters and new material, where he offers insight into the brothers’ fall out.

In the new excerpts in The Times newspaper in the U.K. published on Saturday, the author wrote that when William heard the bullying claims, he confronted his brother. They allegedly had a “fierce and bitter” argument, Lacey revealed. After that, Prince William started to remove Prince Harry and Meghan from the joint office, or household, they shared.

“William threw Harry out,” a source told Lacey.

In the excerpt. it says: “When Harry flared up in furious defense of his wife, the elder brother persisted. Harry shut off his phone angrily, so William went to speak to him personally. The prince was horrified by what he had just been told about Meghan’s alleged behavior, and he wanted to hear what Harry had to say. The showdown between the brothers was fierce and bitter.”

Lacey also claims that Kate Middleton had been “wary of [Meghan] from the start” and says that William told a friend he thought she had an “agenda.”

At first, there was speculation that the brothers argued over Prince William’s concerns. William thought Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s relationship was happening too fast. But now it looks like there was something else.

Of course, neither party will not confirm or deny those claims. Unless Prince Harry goes on yet another televised interview.


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