So, Who Is DeuxMoi? And Does That Change Anything?

Who Is DeuxMoi
Instagram / DeuxMoi

Who is DeuxMoi is one of the most common questions when it comes to the celebrity-inspired Instagram account. But do we really need to know?

Who Is DeuxMoi
Instagram / DeuxMoi

During the pandemic, all the people who couldn’t work from home were very bored. So, naturally, they turned to social media.

That’s how Instagram account DeuxMoi started. So, who is DeuxMoi?

With 1.5 million followers at the moment of publication and over 1.3k posts, DeuxMoi is celebrity-centered, with insider information. Most of the rumors posted by the account are unverified, and the owner of the account constantly advises people to take the posts with a grain of salt.

They also announced they’re working on a debut novel Anon Pls, a fictionalized memoir about a fashion worker who rises to pseudonymous fame with a Deuxmoi-like social media account. The book will come out in November. HBO Max recently announced that they are working on turning the novel into a TV series.

With all of these, the owner of the account has also tried its hardest to remain anonymous. Although they have a podcast, they use a voice changing app so they wouldn’t get recognized.

But in the era of the Internet, does anything ever remain hidden? My guess would be no.

Journalist Brian Feldman from BNet has done some serious digging. On May 20, he published a piece where he reportedly revealed who is behind the account. The digging included verifying all links and tags going as far as 2013, tracing back to the account.

What he discovered in his in-depth investigation is that the website/ IG account allegedly has two owners: Meggie Kempner and Melissa Lovallo.

Feldman found out that @mkempsyo is a fashion entrepreneur named Meggie KempnerMeggie also had a Pinterest page with a pinboard dedicated to her grandmother, famed NYC socialite Nan Kempner. The DeuxMoi Pinterest page also featured a pinboard dedicated to Nan.

The second owner’s identity seems to come out in 2013 tweet from model Emily DiDonato, who wrote, “I am loving your blog @gizroc75 blog! It’s amazing take a look guys!

While trying to find the identity of @gizroc75, Feldman stumbled up on the 2015 tweet from Au Revoir Les Filles, who tweeted, “Great chat with Melissa @deuxmoigals. Loving what you do and you go girl!!!

DeuxMoi created an entire business while staying anonymous. Even one of the catchphrases of the account is “anon pls,” which comes from sources who don’t want their private information revealed when spilling some celebrity tea.

So, does the information on the alleged account owners change anything? Probably not. People will probably continue sending “anon pls” information as always.

Back in 2020, Hailey Bieber took to her Instagram Story to claim she knows who runs DeuxMoi. She did not reveal the names. But on Saturday (May 21), the Pop Crave Instagram account shared Feldman‘s discovery that Meggie and Melissa run DeuxMoi, and Hailey liked the post. Which seems to confirm she might have really known who is behind it.

What do you think?


Cat lover. Swiftie.
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