Britney Spears Reveals If She’ll Ever Take the Stage Again

Britney Spears released a new video where she answered some fan questions, and answered whether she’ll ever take the stage again. The “Toxic” singer revealed she has “no idea.”

Britney Spears was a fan favorite for the last two decades. But the pop star has also struggled a lot with mental health. And, since 2008, with a conservatorship that won’t let her be herself.

Ever since 2008, her father Jamie Spears has been in charge of her assets, career, health and how she spends her money. Recently, Britney refused to take the stage again while she’s still under Jamie’s care.

But lately, Britney has been releasing a lot of videos answering questions from her fans. Although fans noted that absolutely no one is asking her that, and a lot of comments on Instagram tell her to give us signs if she needs help.

Wearing a white dress and black choker with her custom black eye makeup and pink ends, Britney said: “Okay, so I hear you guys have been writing in and I’m here to answer all of your questions. The first of many questions you guys have been asking me is what’s my favorite business trip that I ever took.”

“My favorite business trip was probably a trip to Italy. Donatella Versace flew me there.”

“It was beautiful. She fined and dined us.” (Britney commented in the post’s caption that she “know it’s WINE and DINE … I was antsy OK 😂🤷🏼‍♀️🤪 ???!!!”)

But she also answered a question a lot of fans want to know. Will Britney take the stage again soon?

“Am I going to take the stage? Will I ever take the stage again? I have no idea.”

“I’m having fun right now. I’m in a transition in my life and I’m enjoying myself, so that’s it.”

Britney is set to appear in court on July 23 and make a case about her conservatorship.


Cat lover. Swiftie.
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